

Zertifizierung nach DIN ISO 9001:2015

Fichter formtec zertifiziert sich nach DIN ISO 9001:2015

Gleich im ersten Anlauf konnte sich die Fichter formtec GmbH im Dezember 2021 nach DIN ISO 9001:2015 zertifizieren.

Wir bedanken uns bei allen mitwirkenden für diesen erfolgreiche Vorhaben.

Sie sind Interessiert an diesem Thema, dann haben Sie als Kunde oder Lieferant selbstverständlich die Möglichkeit Auskünfte von uns zu erhalten.

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Certification according to DIN ISO 9001:2015

Certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2015, since December 2021

Fichter formtec GmbH was able to be certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2015 in December 2021 right at the first attampt.

We would like to thank everyone involved for this successful project.

If you are interested in this topic, then you as a customer or supplier naturally have the opportunity to receive information from us.

Feel free to contact us

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The future of electric mobility - new technologies

Due to the great environmental issue of recent years and not least due to various "exhaust gas scandals", the need for an alternative to the internal combustion engine has risen continuously. It is therefore not surprising that more and more cars and bicycles are already operated electrically today. However, such technologies are not only used in the “small” market; trucks will also be equipped with electric drives in the future.

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